The Freestyle Experiment with MICXSIC

SOUND AND LYRICS Open-Mic Series: The Open-Mic for Open Minds

The Freestyle Experiment
A Live Jam Session shared on Soundcloud

Doors DJ & Kitchen @ 8pm
Show Starts @ 9pm
Cover $7 / $10 after 9pm
FREE with an instrument

2 for 1 drinks on select wells and domestics until 10pm

We invite all genres and all forms of singers, songwriters, poets, rappers and instrumentalists to share the stage with our house band The Atlanta 3 and host MICXSIC (Savage Fam Productions & The Bar Exam). This isn't just a jam session, but a LIVE recording session. Music from the night will be recorded, mixed down and shared with the world via @SavageFamPRO Soundcloud!

Lend your sound and voice to this unique experience and be a part of history in the making. Slots are limited List opens at 8pm. Come be a part of our audience and witness what makes The Freestyle Experiment so intriging. Invite a friend and spread the word.
Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday

Freestyle or Original material only! No song covers please

Listen to music from The Freestyle Experiment at **

Tue, 12/16/2014 - 8:00pm
Apache Cafe
64 3rd st nw
30308 atlanta , GA