Sapphire Steamy The Toronto #6ixQueen. First artist to sell music on cloned image usb.

Sapphire Steamy The Toronto #6ixQueen. First artist to sell music on cloned image usb.

Sapphire Steamy has always known that there is a missing element in music. She is ready to grace you with the missing pieces to the puzzle. It will all be revealed in the new debut album scheduled to be released with her very own label Steamy Worldwide Inc in 2019. Unofficial title: "The Heiress: The Priestess". A mix-tape "#6ixQueen" dropped 10.9.17. Steamy followed it with "The Queendom" 30.04.18. "EARTH GOD" the album dropped on 11.11.18. The most recent EP "Her Majesty: I Am BILQUIS" dropped 31.05.19